The 2019 Retirement Study from found that 64 percent of American workers are expected to retire with less than $10,000 in their retirement savings accounts.
Research from the National Institute on Retirement Security found that 66 percent of millennials don’t have any money put away for their golden years.
Nearly 6 out of 10 Americans say they live paycheck to paycheck, as reported by the 2019 Wealth Index Survey by Charles Schwab.
According to a 2016 study conducted by NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, two-thirds of Americans would have trouble getting together enough money to cover a $1,000 emergency.
Money problems impact personal life
The 2018 Planning & Progress Study by Northwestern Mutual found that 44 percent of respondents cite money matters as the dominant source of stress in their lives.
A 2020 survey from Bankrate found that 48 percent of U.S. adults report losing sleep over a financial issue at least occasionally.
A survey of 2,000 American homeowners from 72Point and the National Association of Realtors found that 52 percent of people surveyed are routinely concerned about making their mortgage payments.
Disagreements over money are the number one issue couples say they argue about and the second-leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity, according to a 2018 survey by Ramsey Solutions.
Money problems impact work life
Four out of five employers say their employees’ personal financial issues are impacting job performance, according to a survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
Financial stress results in approximately 11–14 percent of annual payroll costs in lost productivity and increased turnover, according to The Employer’s Guide to Financial Wellness.
In total, American businesses are losing $500 billion per year due to employees’ personal financial stress, according to a survey of more than 10,000 Americans by Salary Finance.
I feel that with a small amount of discipline I can be financially secure for life. It’s a good feeling!
I believe I can now perform my job with less stress by realizing that I am on solid ground financially.
I had never taken the time to understand what I was doing with my money, now I realize the importance of putting a plan together for my retirement.
I feel better about my 401(k) plan. I wish I had been offered this course when I started my career.
The methodology is logical and just like the approach an engineer uses when a system is designed. Financial planning is not just stocks and bonds. Cygnet is a quality organization as demonstrated by their understanding of GM’s plans and the comprehensive nature of their models.
I’m amazed that my current level of income plus modest raises will give me my financial freedom. I must have a pretty good job.
So detailed and many faceted! The connectivity factor is critical, everything must work together.
I feel more confident that I have control over my finances, that I can ride out and adjust to factors that are not in my control.
I am more appreciative of my job and the benefits it provides, including the opportunity to attend this class.
It is clear now that financial planning is required for financial security and for peace of mind. We had plans before but not this detailed.
The Issue
People have problems with money
Money problems impact personal life
Money problems impact work life