It was in the late 1990s when Cygnet Institute launched the first of its kind Financial Wellness initiative as a part of a 401k education campaign at UFCW Local 876. The idea eventually took hold, and the Retirement Service Center was created to provide unbiased financial education to all union members. In the succeeding months, this program was expanded to several UAW locals as well as Teamsters locals.
Unlike the typical insurance or investment salespeople who market to union members what their companies describe as “grey collar” products, Cygnet Institute’s focus was to educate members as to what to do not what to buy.
The reason the program was very positively received by the leadership of the unions was because it complemented their bargaining agreement. The program provided union members with personal financial information and advice that went beyond the scope of the union contract. Cygnet was helping people with advice on financial topics that could not be provided by the stewards, committee people, or business agents. The major key in all of this is that Cygnet had put in writing its commitment to operate under the Fiduciary Standard of Care in all its dealings with the members of the union.
Over the past 25 years, surveys have shown that financial wellness is a key to reducing financial stress. If people are not making good financial decisions, financial stress is the typical outcome. This financial stress can damage people’s lives. Learn more about this topic in an excellent report from the International Foundation titled “Financial Wellness and Education in the Workplace: Strategies and Best Practices”.
I’m amazed that my current level of income plus modest raises will give me my financial freedom. I must have a pretty good job.
I feel better about my 401(k) plan. I wish I had been offered this course when I started my career.
It is clear now that financial planning is required for financial security and for peace of mind. We had plans before but not this detailed.
I am more appreciative of my job and the benefits it provides, including the opportunity to attend this class.
I believe I can now perform my job with less stress by realizing that I am on solid ground financially.
I feel that with a small amount of discipline I can be financially secure for life. It’s a good feeling!
The methodology is logical and just like the approach an engineer uses when a system is designed. Financial planning is not just stocks and bonds. Cygnet is a quality organization as demonstrated by their understanding of GM’s plans and the comprehensive nature of their models.
I feel more confident that I have control over my finances, that I can ride out and adjust to factors that are not in my control.
I had never taken the time to understand what I was doing with my money, now I realize the importance of putting a plan together for my retirement.
So detailed and many faceted! The connectivity factor is critical, everything must work together.
Labor Unions
Financial Literacy in Labor Unions
It was in the late 1990s when Cygnet Institute launched the first of its kind Financial Wellness initiative as a part of a 401k education campaign at UFCW Local 876. The idea eventually took hold, and the Retirement Service Center was created to provide unbiased financial education to all union members. In the succeeding months, this program was expanded to several UAW locals as well as Teamsters locals.
Unlike the typical insurance or investment salespeople who market to union members what their companies describe as “grey collar” products, Cygnet Institute’s focus was to educate members as to what to do not what to buy.
The reason the program was very positively received by the leadership of the unions was because it complemented their bargaining agreement. The program provided union members with personal financial information and advice that went beyond the scope of the union contract. Cygnet was helping people with advice on financial topics that could not be provided by the stewards, committee people, or business agents. The major key in all of this is that Cygnet had put in writing its commitment to operate under the Fiduciary Standard of Care in all its dealings with the members of the union.
Over the past 25 years, surveys have shown that financial wellness is a key to reducing financial stress. If people are not making good financial decisions, financial stress is the typical outcome. This financial stress can damage people’s lives. Learn more about this topic in an excellent report from the International Foundation titled “Financial Wellness and Education in the Workplace: Strategies and Best Practices”.
See Labor Union Past Programs.