We’re a non-profit dedicated to helping people make good financial decisions. Support financial literacy: your donation helps us expand our FREE financial literacy programs to more public libraries in Michigan.
Below are examples of seminars we’ve done so far!
You can view Cygnet Institute’s “Personal Financial Wellness Training Catalog” by clicking hereThis Budgeting Workshop is a personal financial management workshop that will teach you necessary skills for building good money-management habits. Over the course of 6 weeks, you will learn the budgeting process through our interactive classroom sessions. To view our course syllabus, please click here This workshop will be held from 6:00-8:00pm on Thursdays at the Milford High School from September 22-October 27th.To register, please visit http://www.hvs.org/activities/hvrce/adult/enrichment/ Our course is under the Finance Tab. Once you select “Adult Registration,” you will need to input the course number 1729 to be able to register. Thank you for your interest!
Support Financial Literacy in Public Libraries
Below are examples of seminars we’ve done so far!
To register, please visit http://www.hvs.org/activities/hvrce/adult/enrichment/ Our course is under the Finance Tab. Once you select “Adult Registration,” you will need to input the course number 1729 to be able to register. Thank you for your interest!